Sunday, 21 July 2013

New family member.

Today marks a turning point in my life... I experienced first hand the wonders of the Leslie speaker.

Words can't explain how overjoyed I was when I saw an add for a Leslie HL-822 for £75 in my local area. All in, this badboy cost £100 with the cable.
Aside from the slight cosmetic wear there was one problem, it crackled...

 The gentleman I purchased the speaker from explained it could possibly be due to the Mercotac needing to be replaced, this was the likely culprit but it could have also been the capacitors. never the less I decided to pull the trigger.

After a few hours of playing this morning after I received the speaker, my urge to tinker took over. I had the back off the Leslie beholding the wonders inside and by chance I knocked the Merotac connector cap from the top of the Merotac (at the time before I done any reading I thought I had broken the speaker.) On closer inspection the connections were covered in grime, something had to be done!

After cleaning the contacts I can safely say that the Leslie has been crackle free for four hours now, not only has this speaker motivated me to play more; but also given me the urge to write more on my blog.

In the coming weeks I hope to chronicle more of my musical adventures and any more DIY work I do.
(Diy laptop stand incoming!)

I understand i don't get many blog views at the moment, but I hope some day people can look back to these posts and realise how much better my punctuation has gotten.

Al, over and out

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